Integrated Learning Management System

Easily engage teachers, students, and parents together through the Integrated Learning Management System. SIMS automatically integrates all data between the system and the web portal avoiding duplicated data insertion, management and efforts. Teachers can easily upload files, post homework and list class events and grades so students and parents can access them 7/24. Through SIMS you can also publish instant student progress reports and send messages to your class students.

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Teacher / Supervisor

The LMS will allow supervisors (team leaders-department heads) to manage their teachers using Course plans and permissions. Supervisors can set plans for each subject and define permissions and publishing rules for each teacher and course. Supervisors can set different permission for plan structure, content, behavior, materials, assignments, and quizzes.

LMS allows teachers to seamlessly interact with their supervisors, parents, and Students. The can easily communicate, post martials, plan lessons, manage quizzes or assignments to all students or a specific students. He may also send direct massage to students, parents or even his college instantly. Teacher can check his wall and see his own posts and other posts like students and parents. Check to-do list and old notifications.

Teacher-learning management system

Student & Parent accounts are separated now

Student & Parent - Learning Management System


The LMS allows students to perform lots of task and access with ease there learning materials. They can easily access all their schedules, courses, lesion plans, martials, homework, quizzes, attendance records, calendar, messages, posts, wall of fame, grades and much more



Our LMS allows the clear separation between the Parent and his children. Now the school can directly and separately connect to the parents. Parents can access all children data in one account, communicate with his children’s teachers privately, and check every child’s data separately. Also can set appointment with teacher with the available time based on teacher setting.

Parent-Learning Management System
Parent-Learning Management System

Wall of Fame

Wall of Fame - Learning Management System

Easily create and Post wall of fame. Let everyone knows about the best achievers. Create monthly or quarterly based or term or annual wall of fame for the high academic achievers. Create a sports or art wall of fame for every school stage. Set expiry dates. Make students proud and let every other student, teacher, parent see their achievements

Wall of Fame - Learning Management System


Online Integrated Mailing system for student, teachers, supervisors and parents. Reach every one with ease and certainty. No need to collect or know parents private email address. Easily compose, select recipients by grade, by calss, by name, by roles (teachers, parents, Students…) and attach files.


Calendar - Learning Management System

Post general or specific events for everyone in school In the section the school will display the general Division calendar dates such as school start dates, vacation dates, and holidays. Our LMS will also allow you to post calander evernts specific to certain grads such as exams dates for different subject. This could be very useful reference for students.

Calendar - Learning Management System


Manage everything related to your courses from one place. Easily set course lesion plans, publishes educational materials for all classes at once, publish and grade homework’s, upload and returns revised homework’s, record Quizzes, post on the specific course wall, records behavior and much more.


Wall of Fame - Learning Management System

Easily manage parent meetings with a click of a button. Set preferred time, set preferred dates. Create slots with pre-set times, limits, and number of attendees.

Wall of Fame - Learning Management System
Schedule - Learning Management System


Schedule - Learning Management System

Import your schedule from ASC timetables and publish it to parents and students.


FAQ - Learning Management System

Answer and guide every user to the most frequently asked questions.

FAQ - Learning Management System
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